NS Archives releases videos on Youtube

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Archives of Nova Scotia  has released almost 100 videos on a new YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/nsarchives  This represents a great opportunity for teachers to use primary source video material in their classes.  The archives say they will release more videos as funds allow.


Inspirational Video

Friday, September 24, 2010

This is a great video for teachers.  The speaker is 10 year old Dalton Sherman.  He is delivering the keynote address to teachers in Dallas. The main theme of his talk is do you believe in me?  Take a few minutes and watch this and be inspired.


Apple Computers in Education

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am a recent convert to Apple having switched from a Windows laptop to a macbook pro  this summer (I also run windows on the mac).  Over the summer I saw and read a lot of promo material about Mac in Education and came across an article about the use of Apple computers in Special Education.  (http://www.apple.com/education/special-education/).

I was wondering about peoples experience working with Mac's in education.   What do you have in your schools?  What applications or features have you used with your students?  Has it been effective?  How has it helped your students display their learning.

My experience in schools has been Windows only. I have never had more than 1 computer in the class and have had limited access to the computer lab for any of my classes.  I also haven't had a student with AT using a computer for their technology so I am really trying to sort through the hype here and see what real users say.  I look forward to your thoughts.


First Class

We had our first class last night.  I am still getting used to being in a virtual classroom.  Taking a class from the comfort of your own home while still being connected to your classmates and professor via elluminate is amazing!

In the first class we discussed the topic of assistive technology in general terms.  Like many people I started off by thinking about AT as being about giving students computers, ipods, speech devices, in general high tech devices.  By the end of the class I was starting to realize that low tech items like magnifying glasses and pencil grips have as much of an impact on a students ability to perform to the best of their ability as having a laptop does.  Assistive Technology is about providing a student with the AT THEY based on their individual strengths and needs.

This is going to be an interesting course and I am looking forward to learning and sharing more with people in the weeks ahead.



Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome to my EdTech Blog.

I have created this blog as part of a course on Assistive Technology that I am taking this semester at St. Francis Xavier University.

I will be using this blog to respond to articles about AT as well as sharing links to resources and other Ed Tech resources that I find interesting or useful.

Please feel free to respond to any of my posts as well as contribute information which you feel would be interesting to me or my classmates.


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