Apple Computers in Education

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am a recent convert to Apple having switched from a Windows laptop to a macbook pro  this summer (I also run windows on the mac).  Over the summer I saw and read a lot of promo material about Mac in Education and came across an article about the use of Apple computers in Special Education.  (

I was wondering about peoples experience working with Mac's in education.   What do you have in your schools?  What applications or features have you used with your students?  Has it been effective?  How has it helped your students display their learning.

My experience in schools has been Windows only. I have never had more than 1 computer in the class and have had limited access to the computer lab for any of my classes.  I also haven't had a student with AT using a computer for their technology so I am really trying to sort through the hype here and see what real users say.  I look forward to your thoughts.


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