The Writing Process Version 2

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Posted below is the second version of my writing process assignment.  As you will see the second document is very different from the first.  This version shows the processes that are happening at each step of the writing process as well as the executive functions that are going on at the same time. On the left hand side of the image are various assistive technologies that can be used at each step of the writing process.



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Inspiration is a powerful piece of software that is used to help with brainstorming, organizing ideas and information and with sequencing. 

In class we discussed how this software could be used with students who have difficulty with various aspects of the writing process.  After using this software for a little while I think the majority of students would benefit from using this software. 

As I reflected on my experience working with students and my attempts to get them to use graphic organizers I wished that I had had this software available as an option.  I found my students very resistant to using paper graphic organizers for any aspect of brainstorming or organizing their written work.  If I had had this software available I think that I would have been able to get more students to use organizers as part of the writing process.

The software itself is very easy to use.  With a simple click on the screen you can enter a thought or idea then add a graphic representation, link to another idea or continue adding new ideas.  There are a number of different templates that can be used to meet different writing styles and needs.  When you are finished the document can be printed or saved as a PDF or graphic file so that it can be used later.

As I “played” around with the software I began thinking about my own needs as a writer.  I am someone who brainstorms and ideas on paper before writing but I would find it easier to be able to manipulate and move things around using a piece of software.  I have decided that I am going to use it as part of my next paper to see if it helps me feel more organized.

Inspiration software is installed on most school computers in Nova Scotia.  Depending what school board you work in you might also have take home rights to this, and other pieces of software.  Check with your school IT expert to see what you might be able to use at home!


The Writing Process

In class this week we learned about the writing process.  What an amazingly complicated process!  I don't think most of us consider all the different processes that are involved in writing.  As a non neuro person I am blown away by how the brain coordinates all the processes so that they all work together.   The fact that all these processes occur at the same time and, for the most part, without any conscious  input from the writer blows me away.  Any delay in development of, or deficit in, any of the processes can impair if not prevent a person's ability to communicate effectively in a written format.

Our second assignment was to create a diagram of the writing process based on a short piece of writing that we did.  Mine is based on the question how do you bbq the perfect steak?  As you will see from the diagram below whether you realize it or not, all of the writing process comes into play whenever you are writing.


My Writing Process

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Here's what I think about how during the writing process. 


Misunderstood Minds Website

All things considered I found this to be a very interesting and informative site.  One of the first things I noticed was the way it was written.  The site authors chose to write this in plain English which makes it accessible to people who do not have a lot of experience with the subject area. 

I found the try it yourself exercises powerful, while it can never duplicate the frustrations that a person with a writing disability experiences it does help you develop a better appreciation for their struggles and empathy for them.

My only real complaint is in the length of the pages.    I found that the pages were too long.  This can be a deterrent to website visitors. Most people don’t want to visit a page and have to read screen after screen of information.  If I were designing this site I would break the pages up into several smaller pages.  This would help with the over all flow of the site and make the reader feel more comfortable. For example under the Basics of Writing I would have an introduction then create pages for the sections that followed; The developing Writer, Stages of Writing, and Neurodevelopmental Functions.

That said this is an excellent site and I would recommend it to teachers and parents who want to get some basic information about the writing process and some of the challenges and difficulties students can face with it.


Blio: Kurzweil for all?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I came across this video on Youtube.   Being interviewed is Ray Kurzweil (of Kurzweil 3000 fame).  He is talking about a new piece of software called Biblio.  It is essentially a free e-book reader that will be compatible with all computers and portable devices.  In the video you see two demonstrations.  The first is of a children's book being read with a pre-recorded track while highlighting words.  The second is an anatomy textbook which also has text to speech, quizes and embedded video.

The software is also able to do text to speech from scanned documents.  According to the Blio website ( users can add take notes, highlight text, add links and export for use as study materials. At this time the software is available as a free download and is available for the Windows platform only.

Though not intended to replace Kurzweil 3000 this may be of interest to people who want to have a text read out loud to them or who don't qualify for Kurzweil but would benefit from some of its features.

I haven't had a chance to really explore the software yet but I have downloaded it and figured out how to import your own document into the program.  You need to have a file in the .xps format which can be created in Word 2007.  I'll explore it some more and post a better review later.


Interesting Article on the use of the iPad as Assistive Technology

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I came across an article in the that tells the story of a 7 year old with a motor neuron disorder who recently began using an iPad.  It also discussed a number of other people who are using the iPad as assistive technology.  While the article does not go into great detail about the use of the technology it did serve to remind me that assistive technology is not one size fits all.  The choice of what technology to recommend and use must be based on the user and their goals.

As the article showed, for all the good that the iPad can do it is no use to you if you can't touch the screen.


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