Assistive Technology Woordle
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Looking back over the past couple months I cannot believe how much I have learned since the beginning of this course. I came into the course hoping to get general overview of assistive technologies used in education; what technologies are available, how the technology match is made and how this can benefit both the student and the teacher.
I leave the course with mixed emotions. After seeing videos of AT in use, read about making the AT match, learned about various low and high tech assistive technologies (pencil grips, switches, inspiration/kidspiration, Kurzweil) I am struck with the impact it can have in a students personal and academic life. I find myself also extremely frustrated by the lack of AT in many schools. I realize that technology (of all kinds) costs money, requires ongoing support and training and takes time to implement but I can’t help feeling angry at the fact that students who would benefit from the use of some assistive technology aren’t always able to get the assistance they need. As an educator it feels like we let these students down when we allow the politics of education to get in the way of students needs. Sadly I don’t see an end in sight, with a provincial government looking to cut 22% from education over the next 3 years there might not be money in the budget for teachers in the classroom let alone more assistive technology.
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