Kurzweil Experiment

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Last week we started looking at a powerful piece of software called Kurweil 3000.  Kurzweil can be used with students who have difficulty interacting with a book in the conventional way.  Texts can be scanned in to the software and then read back to the student or converted in to an MP3 and put on a portable media device.  Students can also use the software to take tests, they can highlight text, get definitions, and create notes.

I decided to put the software to the test with our reading for the week.  I converted David Edyburn's Technology-nhanced reading performance : Defining a research agenda using the software and put in on my ipod.  It took me a few minutes to get used to the voice that I chose but after that I found that I was able to understand the text with ease.  Since I am new with the software I may be missing some features but I missed the inflection of a humans voice.  I found the voice somewhat stunted and it had difficulty pronouncing some words that I would have thought were high frequency words.

Even after my first experience with the software I can see the benefit to students.  I am sure that as I explore the setting more and customize it to meet my needs I will benefit from it more and more!


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